On April 25th a name will be randomly drawn from those who leave a comment in this post, and that person will win an 8x10 print of Wings.
Comments must be left no later than April 24th. Any comments left after that time will not be qualified to win.
It is essential that I can contact you to obtain your address. So if you are someone I don't know and you don't have a blog link, then please leave an email address like this: myemailaddressATserverDOTcom.
I am also on facebook, twitter, etsy, and flickr, so you can always leave a private message on one of those sites that let me know how to contact you.
To post a comment: at the bottom of this post, click on the line that says "0 comments" or "5 comments" or however-many comments!
I'm not sure if blogger.com requires you to have an account in order to leave a comment. I don't think so. But if so, it's super easy and fast to set up. Essentially, it's a google account, I think.
I have a difficult time uploading large image files to blogspot, but you can get a better look at this piece at