well only one day of rain + 1 cloudy day and the sun's back--yahoo! in response to some of the comments on my last post, we actually have not had a lot of rain this summer, which is awesome for us, considering we live in a rain forest!
i don't mind an occasional day of rain, but due to past experiences, i do become a bit fearful when a rainy day appears. it makes me wonder if the sun will return. so far, so good, this year. to date, it's the best summer i've ever experienced in juneau, and i'm loving it. when the sun shines, this place is like paradise.
here are a couple of small art projects i just completed. the ATC (artist trading card: 2.5"x3.5") is for a sea-themed challenge. the Italy postcard is for a letter I postcard swap.
oh--i saw the endriconologist again today. it's been 2 months since my 1st visit. he was very proud of my progress. i needed to hear that. all the monitoring, measuring, and recording i have to do can become a bit much at times, so it was good to hear that my efforts have been worthwhile. i'll see him again in sept.
Hi cparm! I've missed you (despite my lack of visiting - things have been so weird here this week)! What I wouldn't give for a little rain - oh it is so hot and dry and ungreen here.
Love all of your recent work - no surprise. I love everything you do and you have no idea how much inspiration I get from you and your clever lovely work.
Have a great weekend with perfect weather!
great news on your doctor's visit! yeah!! i'm proud of you for sticking with all the tedious stuff needed to turn your health around. it can be a bit much, i'm sure. but it sounds like it has been well worth it!! that is great news!!
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