my baby boy (left), david, 20, left this morning. he's moving to montana to continue his education at montana state university. i'll miss him soooo much. but i'm happy for him, too. he's making the trip with his best friend, john, who's been attending MSU for a couple of years now. the plan is filmmaking. it's something they've wanted to do for a while now.
they're both artists at heart. john has amazing drawing skills. david's been into acting and improv for several years now.
they're both clever and witty. can't wait to see what they create!
Ohhhh, Cathy! I know exactly what it's like to send them off. It HURTS to give wings! I'm sending a huge, comforting hug your way. Good work, Mom!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo
That's a tough one Cath. But you know you have to let them go, and they come back!! You must be proud!
Big hugs to ya!
Oooh I've got tears in my eyes at the very thought of it ..... But you know, he'll have a blast :-)
Awwww Cathy my heart feels for you. I'm sure you've raised him to be self reliant and I'm sure you will get many calls from him..(((hugs)))
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